Feature 009 - Youth Fridays 2021
Music, Album Artwork, Branding

4 Single Covers,
4 Weeks, 1 Idea

The goal for these covers was to create cohesion with the imagery and the series as a complete project, and still convey the core concept and emotion of each individual song.

To do this, a colour palette was devised, that would represent each key theme, and would dictate and support any additional imagery.

Graphics here combined multiple design elements, from utilising 3D modelling program Blendr, and incorporating my own scanned imagery with plastic elements to add final touches to the covers, creating a more textured feel to reinforce the key notion of a physical item or touchpoint being the covers focus. 

As well as this, select promotional material was created to assist the rollout, focusing on building excitement through engaging and alluring visuals, and building an aesthetic dialogue for what the covers would look like.

This focused on a combination of digital and physical efforts, through printing my design work and applying post production following scans, each piece had a tactile and lifelike feel. 

Photoshop, Illustrator, Blendr

Jack Churchley is a Sydney-based Graphic Designer working in and around Music, with 5 years of experience designing for an array of artists, from International acts like Kevin Abstract and Nate Dae, to local rising talent, all across digital and and physical processes, to create uniqe artwork.

(EM) intermission.designstudio@gmail.com
(IG) @Jack.Churchley / @Intermission.DesignStudio