Feature 010 - Festival Branding Contest
Branding, Merchandise

Contest-Winning Festival Branding Concept

For an open call design contest hosted by Graphic Designer Henock Sileshi, I was tasked to design and promote a hypothetical Music Festival. 

The requirements were to create a poster with the Festival‘s lineup of acts, as well as two merchandise items - however for this competition I decided to take my design a step further, and explore more promotional ideas, and other design features to incorporate to world-build a more fully realised concept of this pretend festival.

To involve more world-building into this project, I expanded upon the imagery, creating supplementary material like video promo, as well as creating further of the initially briefed components like the merchandise and posters. 

Building on a modern and minimal aesthetic, with juxtaposed industrial or gritty imagery - as often is my aesthetic direction - I focused on the idea of the festival being set within a shipping yard, and used that imagery as a focal point, which directed the entirety of the look I was going for. 

I was lucky enough to take home first place in this challenge - largely due to the additional content I created, and depth and breadth of the concept overall.

Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere

Jack Churchley is a Sydney-based Graphic Designer working in and around Music, with 5 years of experience designing for an array of artists, from International acts like Kevin Abstract and Nate Dae, to local rising talent, all across digital and and physical processes, to create uniqe artwork.

(EM) intermission.designstudio@gmail.com
(IG) @Jack.Churchley / @Intermission.DesignStudio